Individual, Organization and Globalization

Individual, Organization and Globalization

A Contextual redefinition

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When I am using my mobile phone or any electronic gadget, together me and the device form a "company", which needs to obey certain global written and yet to be written rules and terms. When the device is connected to a telecom service provider, e.g. BSNL, me, the device and BSNL form a new temporary, dynamic company, which too must obey accepted global terms and conditions. When a software application is used for any activity in the internet, the software provider adds to the terms and conditions, together with the company grown up to cover the entire Earth, and exists as a temporary recognisable electromagnetic entity which can be labelled with the attributes of an "Individual", "Company" or "Organisation" to take care of the responsibility of any action performed in the field. "KOLUMNIN" is defined in that sense, as such, an "organisation", a "company" and "individual". The existing tax and regulations rules for companies in general must be adapted automatically during existence of the "Individual-Internet-Company". I do not have a clear understanding of the level of global programing in this direction. The existing programed impersonation levels must be free from generating any nodal conflicts, work-flow disruptions or biological harm to such individual entity both on and offline. I am no business man and "My Business" under Google failed to bring any financial gain due to illegal duplications. I can do nothing to prevent somebody trying to make a duplicate account at a remote terminal, while I am struggling to fill up a form on my mobile screen with my poor sight and memory and other limitations. What if they continue copying my mobile contents during the night, denying me a rightful rest? My Google sites of aperiodic articles, are blocked from editing and posting. Success is defined for those internet entities under the protection of a Domain name, Advertisements, Tax receiptss, Company Rules, Annual income slabs, Salary accounts, Number of employees etc etc, which are beyond the capabilitis and interest of people like me to build and maintain. Nor am I in an age group or technically qualified enough to be "employed" in a software company. With continuing interest to work at the internet global community, sensing the effects of global activities on my biological being. Not getting any returns for the daily work, is very depressing. Worse is the exploitation by the neighborhood peers taking away all the results and generate daily income, with mere piping, impersonation and making use of copied passwords, synchronised with human neuro-biological exploitation. With no sense of a "company" or rules is a sad state of affairs in the field of the development of the digital electronics field security and economy in India. The "crimes" associated with these activities, accumulated over years, are being covered by religious hoods, loudspeakers, head-tuned electrical gadgets and pose severe threats to life and health. These situations can not be wiped off by sweepstakes lottories or huge compensation allurements or lengthy tiring court procedures, from abroad or black-money networks. I appeal to everybody to help build an existential support and daily income, for all, including those with inadequate skills and learning in the field of company or business management. As mentioned in the beginning, I am not involved in any deep technical professional activities, or any sustained vision, knowledge or understanding of the world of computer languages or codes. But I wish to continue examining and sharing my observations on the effects of various electronic network environments as inputs into myself as a living human and also my personal judgements on situations based on my life experiences. Every individual human is a cellular organization, recognised as one unit. Every cell must obey the functional dependency with its neighbouring cells, otherwise it starts destroying the organisation. The responsibility of the nearest neighbour configurations are of the same importance as of the distant central integration and supervision functionalities. The physical responsibility of the individual as a whole towards each cell in the body is practically reduced to the input-ouput functions at the material level. That is why the physical body is practically a machine or a factory. The responsibility of the individual as a monarch towards his people constituting his existential domain is oversimplified just due the staggering number of individual subjects at the organ or the cellular levels. So the controlling of the population is practical and meaningful only when the monarch can relinquish all actions of his body and or dedicate every action from his constitution to the population. Have you ever seen it in reality in the material human world?. Unless the responsibility of an individual as an organization is correctly recognised, the responsibilities of any organisation towards the individuals can not be meaningfully defined. This is currently very important in the present administrative globalisation using the electronic networks. We can manage an array of living beings distributed into various artistic designs of fantasy, but may not serve any purpose or desire or need of any member of the array. Therefore, the electromagnetic environment around each living being on the Earth, and the consequences, must be seriously considered. Shutting off all the sensory reception is all that a human can do as a response to a hostile environment, in the extreme case. But can the consequences on the individual constitution as well as the environment be clearly observed? In sleep states, natural or under sophisticated anaesthesia or hypnosis, the individual has no role to play in the environmental modification. Inside a globally programed electromagnetic, chemical or nuclear environment, the 'Individual Organization" is just a piece of food inside a hungry stomach! Inspite of all the technological sensitivity and advancement we have achieved, we have no observed data on the sleeping one third of the Earth's living population every moment. So individual limitations to change the current miseries globally must be accepted. There is no possibile solutions from a wider view from space stations, other planets or control room screen views of interplanetory telescopic explorations either. The true goals of our inventions and technology are yet to be clear and reset. So, let the active brains world wide unite, to form the global rules for a Global Organization, without building nuclear bombs, or triggering natural calamities, but protecting every Individual as a natural biological Organization. ©️2022- Dr.K.Muraleedharan, All rights reserved. From: "Autobiography" by Dr.K.Muraleedharan Individual, Organization and Globalization: Contextual redefinition